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Statement of Environmental Policy

Chandlers archives Ltd recognise that environmental issues are of fundamental importance to a successful and responsible business strategy. For this reason we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our operations wherever and whenever this is possible. 

In line with this commitment to the environment, Chandlers archives Ltd will:

1. Ensure that its operations comply with or exceed the existing legislation in the areas in which it operates.

2. Attempt to deal with all environmental issues either at their source or as close to their source as is possible.

3. Endeavour to operate at all times in a way which will incur the minimum environmental impact before and after the operation.

4. Minimise energy usage and waste generation wherever this is possible and pr


5. Recycle materials wherever this is possible and practical.

6. Set environmental targets which it will strive to achieve, and communicate these targets to staff and contractors.

7. Train and educate its workforce in relevant aspects of environmental best practices.

8. Communicate its Environmental Policy and practices at all levels and sites of the organisation.

9. Review its Environmental Policy on a regular basis.

10. Chandlers archives Ltd believes strongly that good business practice and sound environmental management are both essential factors in an efficient and successful

This Policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers and sub-contractors and is made available to the public. organisation.

Environmental Issues – Achievement so far:

• The reduction in use of paper by printing on both sides utilizing 100% of the paper.

• Paper purchased is from recycled materials and sustainable sources.

• Scrap blank paper when available is used for notepads.

• Office paper is confidentially shredded and recycled.

• Chandlers archives Ltd storage boxes are made up of 65% recycled materials and in turn are recyclable

• Low energy lighting has been installed in the administration building, reducing cost and our carbon footprint.

• Office furniture, where possible, is sourced as ‘new’ second-hand.

• Rechargeable batteries are used in all handheld equipment.

• Confidential document destruction sacks are recycled, currently minimum use of five times.

• Low energy computer monitors are used and are set to go into sleep mode after 3 minutes of inactivity at a workstation.


Some of our objectives for the near future: 

• To purchase renewable energy from our energy providers.

• To reduce the amount of energy consumed in our daily activities.

• To further increase the environmental awareness of staff, suppliers and clients alike.

• To reduce the amount of water consumed, such as using a rain harvesting tank to supply water to wash vehicles or fill toilets.

• To reduce the amount of paper used throughout the organisation.

• Cleaner, more energy-efficient vehicles.

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about any of our services please contact us using the short form below.

Chandlers Archives Limited is a registered company in England and Wales

Company Number: 4980074
Address: Cannon House, Rutland Road, Sheffield, S3 8DP
VAT Registered Number: 848/1808/01