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Delivering Value for Money

The goal for all Government procurement is value for money – securing the best mix of quality and effectiveness for the least outlay over the life of the goods or services bought. Sustainable procurement is recognised as a fundamental part of delivering value for money, particularly as it encourages a focus on whole-life costs

Principles of Sustainable Procurement include:

Cut costs

Reduce waste, carbon emissions, energy and water consumption and waste generation and recycling in line with targets for the Central Government Estate

Protect biodiversity

Stop the buying of unsustainable products, such as timber and timber products from unsustainable or illegal sources, and

Support fair and sustainable economic growth and encourage the development of a green economy.

By achieving these things, we will not only protect natural resources and tackle climate change, but also reduce operating costs.

 Chandlers archives Limited will endeavor to follow all of these principles through our document storage services and everything we do in the workplace.

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about any of our services please contact us using the short form below.

Chandlers Archives Limited is a registered company in England and Wales

Company Number: 4980074
Address: Cannon House, Rutland Road, Sheffield, S3 8DP
VAT Registered Number: 848/1808/01